Immerse Into Mobile Games for Fitness

Screen Shot 2014-04-13 at 11.07.01 AMVirtual Word interaction can be mobile and active.  Businesses across the country are recognizing that employee fitness contributes to better attendance associated with reduced sick days, reduction in health benefit costs, and an increase in work product.  Mobile applications can contribute to this end.  My work place has started an informal “walking club”, we walk for 15-30 minutes during our lunch hour and track all our steps daily.  One of our Director’s actually holds “walking meetings” scheduling times for staff to walk and discuss instead of sitting around a conference table.

Multiple applications and devices are available to help individuals track their distance, steps, times, calories burned etc.  I find that walking with colleagues provides a network and support group that is motivating and, well, fun.  If you do not have interested individuals around you, you can find them via the games/apps or just connect with distanced friends to get fit together.

Zombies Run appA Game-based application with an element of immersion is Zombies Run.  It is billed as an “audio adventure” in preparing you for a  5K.  I first read about this application in Jane McGonigals’s book Reality is Broken, as she discussed Alternative Reality Games (ARGs).  The objective of this game is to prepare you for a 5 K run and gradually increases your stamina as you level up  with walking and running as zombies chase you.  The runner/walker has “missions” requiring running and walking to save people, deliver emergency supplies and to escape the ever-present zombies.   Between the storyline you listen to your favorite playlist, earbuds are a good idea. The one change I would make to the game is to use the participant’s actual geo-location to make it more immersive (Zombies jumping out around the corner of your home or workplace).   Although the objective of this game is a 5K preparation it is a fine as a fun way to exercise and build stamina.  Completing the game gives a sense of accomplishment, even if you never run in a 5K.

Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 12.15.15 PMA number of free or inexpensive gamified applications can be downloaded to your mobile device to make excercise a social and fun experience.  Some are Steps ManiaSTRAVAEarndit (Allows you to redeem earned points for prizes and charities), run keeperiSmoothrun, and Fitocracy. These applications track walking, running swimming and biking distance (check them out to see which does what), exercises, date and time, and then reward achievements based on progress.  Achievements  are scaffolded, guiding the participant to  “level-up” by increasing the duration and frequency of exercise.  The apps all use graphs and leaderboards providing personal data to compete with yourself or with colleagues.  Though less immersive than Zombies Run, they do have a social aspect.  Your fitness friends can be located anywhere in the world and can complete their fitness routine on their timezone while networking with remotely located friends.  Some are designed to track every step you take while others are designed for specific workout sessions and they can all bring a playing feel to your workout.


How Regular Exercise Help You Balance Work and Family

Exercise Boosts Work Productivity


Is Machinima The New Diorama? or Flipping Academic Fairs

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Jokaydia monitors children ages 4-16 in constructing spaces in Minecraft. Students use video capture and editing software to make machinima. This student built space is a historical complex.

Ask a 10-year old how they know something or learned to do something and the answer may very well include “I saw it on YouTube”.  With “Digital Literacy” and Coding being recognized as skills required for future success, and employment, it seems to make sense to update academic fairs to  include digital elements beyond word processing.  Perhaps instead of cardboard box dioramas, sugar-cube structures and  tri-fold cardboard displays we could accomplish learning objectives with machinima, digital storytelling, websites, blogs, wikis and 3-D digital modeling.  This is not to diminish the use of art supplies and creativity in the visual arts.  Manual dexterity and artistic expression is important, but not the primary objective of Academic Fairs.


A Traditional Academic Fair Display begins in a school with winners being displayed regionally at a local Mall or Library.

Many of us have participated in promoting, supporting , guiding or  completing the work for a child participating in an academic fair.  I still remember a 2:00 AM crying  moment and my older brother helping me (actually he did the whole thing with exception of the windows that just were perfectly illustrated with a tap of a magic marker) to make a model of the Pentagon.  To this day I know very little about the Pentagon (the empire state building would have been so much easier) but I did learn some geometry, some research skills, collaboration (sort of), time management (after the fact), and I am still a night owl.  It is the process that is important.  The artistic work and use of materials, though an obvious focus to fair attendees, is secondary to what the student learns.  Whatever I learned through my 6th grade Social Studies Project experience, was not reflected in my brother’s ability to construct models.

Machinima made by capturing video in an immersive environment or video game and edited with sound, music and dialog to depict a historical event, literary work, or scientific concept requires research, planning, and time management skills.  Building a model in a 3-D environment like Minecraft requires planning, sometimes research, digital literacy, creativity and time management.  Developing a website requires similar skills.  Each of these digital possibilities requires the same basic skills that traditional academic fair projects require, in addition to digital literacy.  Collaboration is not  typically included as an objective in academic fairs, though parents and older siblings are sometimes involved.  Including collaboration as an objective would align to Common Core Standards and 21st Century Skills and the collaboration would likely include peers.   Parent involvement may actually be flipped in this model, with the student guiding the parent to understand the digital environment, particularly as it applies to immersive or game environments.

Time and space become less of a barrier as a local fair can potentially expand to a global fair with public views and even community “up votes”  on deserving entries.  Collaboration with peers from different geographic locations could potentially help prepare today’s students to collaborate globally as adults.  It seems logical to take advantage of  the use of digital spaces by our youth to include academic endeavors.  The Information Revolution has provided almost anyone the ability to share what they know and are are able to do.  Some of the YouTube videos being watched by 10-year olds have been created  by other 10-year olds, sharing what they know and are able to do.  An academic fair project posted on the web has potential to generate interest and extend learning beyond what an individual child learns from a 20th Century academic fair project.  As educators we can support, guide, monitor and inform this kind of activity by our students.


My EduBlogger Picks for 2013

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I find the Edublog site a valid and reliable source for good educational links in a variety of categories. I am honored to have been nominated in the past and  continue to support the site by spreading the news, I … Continue reading


Hour of Code in an MMORPG and an Immersive 3D Environment

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I will be joining ISTE’s SIGVE and the IB Educators Guild in WoW  in on an Hour of Code to celebrate Computer Science Week and to advocate for teaching coding at all grade levels.  This will be at least my third … Continue reading


Machinima for Education

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A group to support the development and use of machinima in education will begin meeting bi-weekly, starting on Monday September 16 at the Front Range Sim in Second Life.  The SLURL for the meeting is and the meeting will begin at … Continue reading


Chicken or Egg Dilemma in Using 3D Immersive Environments for Teaching and Learning

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Innovation requires some risk taking, the accountability movement requires the use of proven practices and data to back it up.  Innovation can help drive progress while accountability ensures a level of success.  How do we reconcile the need to use … Continue reading


EduMachinima Fest for Teachers and Students

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The annual SIGVE EduMachinima Fest is unique in that it is for both students and teachers.  Those who enter their work will have the opportunity to create and share their manipulation of images, sounds, music and words effectively to convey … Continue reading


EduBlogger Nominations

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Edublogs annually recognizes social media that promotes and demonstrates value to educators.  It’s great to see when the list comes out as there is always something new and useful.  My nominations focus on the use of 3D immersive environments and … Continue reading


Machinima at VWBPE 2012

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The Machinima Track  at VWBPE is again filled with a variety of sessions to guide educators in using this strategy for teaching and learning.  The FULL Conference schedule is located at:  Each session has a description and direct link … Continue reading


VWBPE Conference 2012

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The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE) Conference will take place in Second Life, with tours to other virtual environments,  on March 15-18.  Conference organizers are requesting those interested to register for the event at  The free conference … Continue reading